
Incestsexual is a real identity

Incestsexual is a real sexual orientation and identity.

Incestsexual is real and there are many incest couples and people in this world. However, it appears that you have to be incestsexuel in order to find other incestuous people. Incestuous couples and individuals are everywhere in society. They might be your best friend, the cashier in a supermarket, someone working out in your gym and so on. But because there’s so much hatred and intolerance, people who are incestsexual remain hidden; coming out of the closet is often too dangerous.

You have to identify as incestsexual and be in an incestuous relationship in order to find others who are like you. Human beings instinctively try to avoid danger and we’ll modify our behaviors accordingly. To mainstream society, we’re no different than anyone else, but to each other there are many different telltale signs. The most difficult and dangerous risk we take is acknowledging what we are to each other. (eg: Hi! This is my son and lover… I take it that’s your daughter lover with you?)

Incest is not rape

Rape is about power and not about sex. It’s a violent act wherein one individual (a bad person) takes control over another without consent and little or no consideration for that person’s well-being. It’s a crime unto itself and it makes no difference who the rapist’s victims are. The victims can be an old woman, a young man, a stranger grabbed off the street or even a member of the assailant’s own family. Sexual preferences are immaterial, as is their relationship with the victims. Quite simply, rapists are abusive and violent criminals, who more often than not, go after an easy target.


Incestsexual is a sexual preference and identity just as valid as any other. In as much as someone can be born gay or transgender, so can someone be born incestuous. But just because someone is born with a need for intimacy with their close family members, it doesn’t mean that they’re sexual predators. It shouldn’t have to be said but, it’s possible to desire incest and still exercise self control.

When an adult daughter chooses to offer herself to her father, that’s consensual. It’s the same for every combination of family sex. It’s impossible to find statistics on consensual incest couplings but it’s estimated that 1 in 6 persons has experienced some kind of incestuous intimacy. Unfortunately, that figure is most likely an amalgamation of both consenting and non-consenting rapports.


Rest assured that incestsexual community is alive and growing in numbers. Mainstream society is less concerned about what consenting adults do in their bedrooms. Plus without the constant assault of brainwashing propaganda, family couplings are being seen as a safer alternative to mainstream society’s overly complicated and difficult partnerships. You’re family, you know what to expect from each other and you have each other’s best interests at heart. So it’s not hard to go from a warm hug shared between family members to passionate kissing and love making.

Unfortunately, governments appear to be aware of this and they’re starting to once again move against the incestsexual. For example, France has recently moved to ban incest for the first time since the French Revolution. How far they’re going to pursue marginalizing incest isn’t known. Especially, considering how many politicians are sexually abusing others, many of which are not adults.

Follow me on X (formerly twitter) : @Blonde_Tabu


Author: blondetabu
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4 months ago

I’ve long wondered if there was something to that, as well. I’m an adult man now, approaching middle age (sadly!), but as my sexuality developed (and likely exacerbated by the cramped living conditions of a working class family and community), I came to acquire something of a fixation on one or two of my cousins at an age when I was maybe not mature/worldly enough to instantly know it was “wrong” (and I apparently didn’t have the “aversion” I’ve read that humans are supposed to have). But once I “learned” that it was “wrong,” the taboo/aversion still didn’t kick in. Add to this my rather young parents being very sexually active, and loud, causing Very Confusing thoughts and feelings towards my mom (especially after I accidentally – and it was a genuine accident – saw them having sex). At a crucial stage of my life, I had this very weird encounter with my mother late one night when she was drunk and maybe coming on to me… nothing happened, but it’s been decades and I still wonder if it could have. All that I have been left with is a Very Stubborn Incest Kink in my fantasy life… LoL.

Thank you for sharing your story/ies, and being so open.