Blonde Tabu Podcast 08

Blonde Tabu Podcast 08

Blonde Tabu Podcast 08 and it’s decision time

Blonde Tabu Podcast 08 and this is Blonde Tabu and I’m here with you for my 8th Podcast. (Don’t forget to listen to my previous podcasts)

Blonde Tabu Podcast 08 on Spotify

It’s difficult to not be a conspiracy theorist in today’s world because insanity and hypocrisy seem to be everywhere. Western society is in decay and the United States is a super power teetering on the verge collapse. The ruling class has made citizenship synonymous with being kept livestock. Everything now is either taxed, and/ or has licensed use. Even your skill-set is illegitimate unless some governing body certifies it. The result is we only have the illusion of ownership, both of our possessions and ourselves.

Blonde Tabu Podcast 08 on rumble

Fail to pay your taxes (prison fees), your belongings, even birthright inheritances can be taken from you. Fail to keep up with your education and or licenses and you won’t be able to practice your profession. We can’t even leave our nation without a document (passport) issued by our controllers. And proposed “Health passports” are meant to limit travel even within the nation. After all, freedom, personal liberties and the pursuit of happiness are not ingredients to create good workers. This is a post-capitalism, post-socialism world. An era of cannibalism, in which the elites feed upon us, like bacon from a slaughtered pig.

You need to understand that you and I were born in a prison which calls itself “our country.”
It doesn’t matter if your prison is named, “England,” “Japan,” “Saudi Arabia,” or even the “United States.” It’s just a prison that you can’t leave unless the prison administration (aka. government) issues you a day pass. I say day pass, because you’ll need to show proof of intent of return to the prison (return travel documents) and if you intend to stay anywhere more than 3 months, more permissions must be granted in the form of a visa.

We also have to pay for our incarceration. The ruling class labels these prison fees as taxes and to make it worse, we’re not even fed or given a bed to sleep in. We have to pay for those things too. We’re forced to work, often in jobs we loath or are dangerous, in order to earn the money we need to pay to the government and for our own upkeep.

The rulers tell us that the money we give them is being used to make our lives better. But we have no say how that money is spent and they squander it on themselves and their wealthy friends.

The prison administration keeps us drugged with news and entertainment. They want us placated and confused, so that we don’t go looking for a way to escape our incarceration. The nation’s wardens want us weak, sick and obese, because weak citizens are easy to control and exploit. Like fattened pigs being led to slaughter, we line up after hearing the dinner-bell, unaware it will be our last.

Finally, and for me, this is the most heinous. Our jailers don’t allow strong family bonds. They need us divided and alone. Lonely people without family, are people without hope and the hopeless never fight back against their tormentors. In fact these people struggling to be protected will turn against their families for the sense of belonging and strength that the controllers wave like a trophy before them.

Pheromone infused soap

The wealthy elites will never admit to enjoying incest. They will continue to indulge their sexual proclivities with impunity while hypocritically attacking our sexual needs. Their goal is to keep us both poor and neurotic, so that they can exploit us with impunity. This week, I got a message that should break everyone’s heart. A young woman, who is most likely incest-sexual, has lost her family and friends simply because of feelings of genetic attraction. Modern society claims to be more accepting and inclusive, but that’s not for consenting adults, who try to have an incestuous relationship.

Evelyn’s letter

My name is Evelyn, and I’m a 25-year-old woman who has lived with a dark secret, that has consumed my thoughts and actions for as long as I can remember. I have an obsession with incest. Although I’ve never acted outright on these desires, they’ve been a constant presence in my life, shaping my experiences and relationships.

Growing up, I always felt different from my peers. While they were busy making friends and enjoying their childhood, I struggled with my feelings, unsure of how to cope with them or who to turn to for help. I felt isolated and alone, as if I was the only person in the world who experienced these taboo thoughts.

As I grew older, my obsession with incest only intensified, and it started to affect my relationships with my family. My parents, who were once loving and supportive, began to notice a change in my behavior. They tried to talk to me about it, but I couldn’t bring myself to share the truth with them, and I just seemed moody. I was afraid of the repercussions and the potential damage, it would cause to our relationship.

My siblings, who I once shared a close bond with, began to feel uncomfortable around me. I was clingy. touch starved and jealous. Soon they were avoiding me or making excuses not to be alone in the same room as me. It broke my heart, but I understood their confusion and unease. My identical twin sister, who had once been my closest confidante, eventually told me to get out of her life. Those words cut deeper than anything else, and I knew that I had lost her forever.

The isolation I felt within my own family was unbearable. I tried to distance myself from them, hoping that it would ease their discomfort, but it only made my longing worse. My parents would often argue about what to do with me, because I would have emotional outbursts that nobody could understand. One day, my family had enough. They asked me to leave our home, and I found myself alone and adrift in the world. I moved to a small apartment, trying to rebuild my life, but the weight of my secrets and the ostracism from my family proved too much to bear.

Today, I have no friends apart from my two cats. My life consists of just going to work and sitting at home alone. My cravings for an incestuous relationship have made it impossible to have a loving relationship with anyone I’m not blood related to. I’ve tried to seek help, but the therapists I’ve seen have been unable to understand the complexities of my situation. I feel more lost and alone than ever before, and I’m struggling to find a way to move forward.

My final plea is for understanding and help. I know my desires are taboo, and I’ve struggled my entire life to come to terms with them. But I’m hopeful that there’s someone out there who can relate to my experiences and offer guidance and support. Until then, I’ll continue to navigate this lonely path, searching for a way to find peace and acceptance in a world that feels so unforgiving.

I get so many letters that are just awfully sad and 90% of them come from women. Therapists either can’t, won’t or just don’t have enough wisdom to recognize incest-sexuality as a valid sexual identity. Like homosexuality of 60 years ago, they focus solely on those human predators who consider their family as property and amusement for their perverse pleasures. The idea never enters their heads that there are mentally stable adults who consent and enjoy incestuous relationships.

Just because someone is attracted to their family members doesn’t mean that they’re attracted minors. It also doesn’t mean that we ignore someone’s feelings and impose or coerce them into having sex. When it comes to intimacy, incest-sexuals are no different than any other normal person, they want to be desired by their partner as much as they desire them. After all, that’s what love making is about; wanting to love and be loved so much that we express it sexually.

As I see it Evelyn, you have come to a cross-roads. I am sure that you are suffering in your quiet solitude, and I emphasize with your suffering. It doesn’t matter who or what you are, you deserve to be loved. My prayers for you is that one day you’ll find that love and it’ll make you complete. As far as your family is concerned you have a choice to make.

First, you say that they have disowned you and pushed you out of their lives because you were difficult to get along with (Ie you did not conform to their expectations). This can be interpreted as an unhealthy relationship to pursue. But only having a brief summary of one side of the relationship, I can’t tell if there is any redeeming quality in pursuing a relationship, or not. Only you know the full extent to your responsibility in making “bad blood” within your family, so only you can answer if you are trying to kindle a relationship that would be one-sided and akin to abusive, because you feel that you have no other options. (I advise that you get counsel for this aspect of your problem). Instead of trying to get counseling for being an incestsexual, try seeking counsel for an obsession over someone who doesn’t feel the same.

Secondly, from what you have written, it seems that your hesitation to tell your family about being incest-sexual, was based on fear of losing them. Now you say, you have lost them anyway. So if your behavior among family members would change, if you weren’t keeping this secret. Then maybe telling them why you behaved so poorly, might be the way to go. Only you can answer these questions, but first you need to learn to control your outbursts and accept that even if you do come clean, there is no guarantee that it will change anything between you and your family members. Alas, reality is often a hard pill to swallow.

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Author: blondetabu
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