The first time I had sex with my son

First time I had sex with my son

First time I had sex with my son and what caused it.

The first time I had sex with my son is something lots of people want to know about.  I’ve discussed it in one of my videos but I figure that some people prefer to read about it.  Or, at the very least, I’ll have somewhere to send them to for when I get tired of answering the question.

So how did my son and I become incestuous lovers ? Where do I begin the story ? Well, I guess, since I’m his mom, it begins with me.

Since I can remember I’ve always had a very strong attraction towards the males in my immediate family. When I was much younger, I masturbated and fantasized many times about my brothers and father. Especially my day… To this very day, if my dad showed any kind of interest in me, I would be out of my clothes and on him. I’ve had some really twisted fantasies about my dad, many have included getting pregnant. LOL Today I would just settle for sex with my dad because I don’t want any more kids.

See a mom have incest sex with her biological son

Real mother and son incest sex


Both my sons are adults and my incestuous attraction towards them developed as they became adults. My oldest used to steal my panties from the laundry bag and my youngest always found ways to see me when I was changing my clothes, in the shower and pretty much anytime I might be naked. I never made an issue about their curiosities and their masturbation. It was never my intention to encourage or discourage them sexually in any way. As for myself, I knew when one of them had a wet dream because when I changed their bed sheets I found the scent very pleasurable. OK… I jerked off a couple of times too lol

I probably should give my son a name. Obviously, I’m not going to use his real name. So, I’ll call him George.

Everyone knows about how the world went insane in 2019. I found myself having to move 2000 miles because of both my work and finances. At the time George was living with his father and although we regularly spoke to each other, we didn’t see each other very often. But luck played into this because he chose a school near where I moved and I also found him a job. So, he came and lived with me.

2 months went by and nothing happened. He flirted with me, but he’s been flirting with me for years. On the other hand, I’m a very affectionate person and I touch and hug others all the time. With my family I’ve always done things like hold their hands, rest my head on their shoulders and just generally be very physically loving towards them.

From what I’m finding out, it seems that incestuous women are very much like me. So, sons… if your mom is very affectionate like me, you just might be able to have sex with her. You know the old saying, « Incest is best, so put your mother to the test. »

Trust me, incestuous sex is the very best sex possible. It sends my head spinning, and I have never considered it taboo. I can only imagine the increased intensity with someone who’s also titillated by doing something, getting away with something, that they feel they shouldn’t. It’s a major serious emotional high when the body that exited your vagina enters it again.

At one point, George’s work was right next door to mine. We would leave for work together, have lunch together and come home together. In the evenings, we started watching TV together and I would sit beside him on the couch. Again, me being very affectionate I would frequently rest up against him.

This entire incest adventure officially started when I laid down and put my head in George’s lap, facing the TV. Normally, I would have laid down the opposite direction but I just didn’t feel like getting up to get a pillow from the bedroom. Within moments of getting comfortable, I fell into a light sleep.

With my eyes still closed, I became aware that George was very gently touching one of my breasts. It wasn’t a full grab but more of a small soft caress. It was so subtle that he could have easily say he wasn’t doing anything if I confronted him. But just the same, there was this gentle touch and it was clear that he was focusing on the area of my nipple. This really excited me and I could feel myself getting wet but I didn’t do anything. Instead I just laid there, with my eyes closed, pretending to be asleep.

It was about 10pm when we finally went to bed I was super horny. I was masturbating for over 20 minutes and came twice. I woke up around 2:30 am and went to the kitchen for a glass of water. Sitting at the kitchen table I had a little mental talk with myself.

I’ve had this obsession with incest all my life. When I was married, I used to secretly make-believe that my husband was my older brother that had been given up for adoption before I was born. Actually, I made believe that with a few old boyfriends too. I just couldn’t have an orgasm unless I was imagining whoever was fucking me was somehow related. Needless to say, my excitement having George play with my breast didn’t surprise me.

I assured myself that I’m not a bad person. Growing up I never tried anything sexual with my brothers or my dad, apart from trying to sneak a peek of them naked. With my sons, I absolutely buried any thoughts about seducing them. I’m a good mother and not a predator or abuser. Therefore, there was no way in hell was I going to start pursuing my son.


It was about this time that it occurred to me that my incestuous cravings might be genetic and George may have inherited them. OK, this kind of changed the situation a bit for me. If he’s suffering with the same needs that I do then having sex won’t be a big deal. So I decided that I’m not going to encourage him or discourage him. Instead I was going to make everything easier for him and let him make the decision to pursue this.

The next evening I made sure that I took off my bra and put on a blouse that had a habit of opening at the top 2 buttons. Once again, I rested my head on his lap and allowed myself to doze off again. Once more I woke when he went for my breast and focused in on my nipple. With my eyes again closed, I was thinking to myself, « Just go for it Georgie ! Grab my tit and let’s do it. » But he didn’t progress past making tiny circles through the cloth.

I was like a cat in heat and climbing my bedroom walls. Masturbation wasn’t working and I eventually ended up having to take a cold shower. But once again, even after I made sure that 3 and not just 2 buttons on my blouse were undone, my son never outright fondled me. These little gentle caresses were really making me angry. I wanted him to either go for it or stop it because this limbo was hell.

A week of this passed but decided to persevere. This time I decided that I was at least going to be comfortable so I tossed the blouse, because it wasn’t working anyway, and put on one of my night shirts. As usual, I lightly dozed with my head on leg and waited for the torment my nipple game to begin. But it changed this time and he began to squeeze my other breast. He was so careful and his touches were so fucking light that had I not been expecting him to touch me that I would have slept right through this. In the meantime I was thinking, « It’s up to you kid… How far is this going to go. » The sad answer was that it was going no where.

Another several days of this passed and this time I truly was tired. So instead of being on my side facing the TV, I rolled on my back and went to sleep. I was out like a light for a good hour but I finally woke up to find my son’s hand under my nightshirt and directly playing with breasts. Again, gently playing with my nipples with the occasional squeeze. I consoled myself that there had been some progress because at least now his hand was directly touching my flesh.

A couple of minutes of this fondling passed and then he started to subtly move his hand down my body. First, he went from my boobs to my stomach and then to just above my panties. This started to excite me and it took all my effort to control my breathing like I was still sleeping.

The next 30 or so minutes seemed so long. Instead of trying to rest his hand on top of my pussy, he was trying to slide it under my panties. I was so damn mad at myself because I should have taken those off too. In my mind, I felt that was too aggressive and chose to keep them on instead. Luckily, it was just a pair of ordinary cotton ones and not a pair that he would have to actually lift up the elastic to get under.

First he got his finger tips under the elastic, just making contact with my pubic hair. Then little by little he slid his hand lower between my legs. Inside in my head, I was literally cheering for him. « Finger me and I’ll rock your world. » I honestly said that to myself.

But he stopped just before my clitoris. I don’t know how long I waited for him to continue but his hand didn’t budge. He was literally less than a 1/ 4 of an inch away from directly touching my button but instead chose to do nothing. Had this been any man other than my son and we would have already had sex several times.

George was obviously looking for sex with me. So took note of the situation and thought up a way to help things along. His one arm was across my body with his hand in my crotch. I could move my arm closest to him and put my hand over his so that he doesn’t pull it away. If I pressed down, he should start fingering me. Then at the same time with my other hand, I should reach up and stroke his face. This seemed like a good plan and I went for it.

It was a fucking incredible plan !

He leaned forward opening his mouth to kiss me and the instant I saw that I moved upwards to meet him. We softly kissed for maybe 10 seconds but then things got really wild really quick. With our lips locked I slid into his lap as he managed to unbuckle his pants and pull his cock out. He was already hard and poking up against my pussy. I pulled my panties to the side and he started pushing up to penetrate me I was coming down on him to impale myself.

All my life I had wanted to experience incestuous sex and her I was with my son deep inside me. He later admitted to dreaming about me and his sister from a very young age too. It seems that incestuous desires can be passed down from parent to offspring.

I was climaxing within seconds and George didn’t last long either. My arms were wrapped around his head as I sat in his lap with him still inside me. It was just long enough for us to catch our breathes and then we both quietly got up and went into my bedroom. Our clothes made a trail from the sofa to the bed and we immediately started having sex again. My son was still hard and this time I was on my back, feeling his body weight on me as the head of his cock ground into my cervix. Our sex wasn’t fucking and it wasn’t making love. It was hunger, we both need this kind of intimacy and were both finally having our needs satisfied.

The next morning I had some mixed emotions. It was no surprise that I didn’t feel any guilt or shame that we had done something wrong. My concern was purely on how my son was going to be now that he had sex with his mom. So I made a pot of coffee and told myself that I needed to discuss this with him.

George came to the kitchen table just about the time that the coffee was done brewing. He was naked and I took that as a good sign. He sat down at the table with a goofy grin on his face then finally said, « good morning mom… I hope you slept well. » I laughed and asked the question if he was ok with what happened. He responded with a joke but I made him get serious for a moment. The big mother and son had incestuous sex discussion didn’t even last 2 minutes.

It was Saturday and I had a few things to do. My son tagged along and we did some grocery shopping plus visited a friend of mine. There was nothing out of the ordinary with us, nothing had changed. About the only thing that happened with a little bit of flirting and longer than normal kiss in the car. Otherwise, we were still just good old fashion mother and son.

Of course, when we got home we ended up having sex again. In fact, we had a lot of sex that weekend but it was the hunger like it was the first night. It was far more playful and the incest taboo became a bit of a sexual joke. For us it’s just family with benefits.

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Author: blondetabu
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8 months ago

damn that was hot

Mark D
8 months ago

Wow! That was incredible! I used to fantasize about fucking my mom all the time, and as a teen I jerked off to the scent of her used panties more times, than I could ever count! Like you, my mom was extremely affectionate, always hugging and kissing me, always sitting next to me on the couch and hugging up to me. But my mom did something a little different… She would “jokingly“ grab my crotch. As much as I had fantasize about making love to her, I never considered that could ever possibly be a real thing. So my mom basically grabbing my dick while saying “boop” never seemed sexual to me, and I foolishly asked her to stop doing it! After that, she also stopped napping with her head on my lap and her hand between her head and my upper-inner thigh. I remember when she did that I would think “oh my God my mom is hand is right next to my dick. What if I get a hard on?!” I was SO afraid that my mother would find out, I was sexually attracted to her, and that she would be discussed with me, that I think I missed out on being able to have sex with my incredibly beautiful, extremely sexy mother (and believe me, while I know that these type of incest stories never have a fat ugly mom, or son, but she really was incredibly beautiful when she was young) I cannot tell you how much I envy your son. The thought of penetrating my 39yo mother, when I was 18, and feeling myself DEEP inside her still fuels my masturbatory fantasies. Although lately, those fantasies have transferred to my 18-year-old niece Chelsea. That’s strictly because of her looks, she’s never so much as even said more than hello uncle Mark and goodbye uncle Mark. I cannot express enough… if your mom, or sister plays with your cock, NEVER ask her to stop! That was the greatest mistake of my sexual life!

3 months ago
Reply to  Mark D

Mark: I can hear the disappointment in your words above and I don’t blame you. I guess that you feel that it is not possible to turn things around with your Mom now. But never give up that hope. Happy fucking though.

8 months ago

Hi! What’s your goal with this website?

8 months ago

I understand the pull of incestuous relationships mine was with my father and it was at my instigation ,
Like you our everyday lives to the outside world remained the same, but it did begin to change as time passed and both of us wanted more.
Driven in part a few months after our first trieste when dad told me he had dreamt for years of possessing me , we were i have to admit besotted with one and other for all intents in love.
We began to push the envelope on Holidays booking into Hotels as man and wife raising a few eyebrows but never challenged.
We were three years into our relationship i had been on the pill since i was 14 so pregnancy was never an issue he always came inside me and i loved the feeling of his seed filling my fertile womb .
Until surprise i missed a period dad had knocked me up .
I wanted to keep the baby and dad agreed the months later i had a miscarriage a son ,
I did not resume my birth control i wanted his child growing in me i wanted a child of incest , sadly 6 weeks latter before he could knock me up he was killed in a car crash .
I dream of the fact that if he had impregnated me i could have had a son who i could have introduced to the pleasures of fucking his mother ,

3 months ago
Reply to  Roxan brown

What a truly exciting first part of your story but then to suffer such a huge loss. I only hope that you find the type of love that you desire very soon. All the best.

7 months ago

Your sexual history is just wonderful. Got me rock hard.

4 months ago

Wow! So raw and vulnerable. You are an inspiration

1 month ago

Hi BlondeTabu

I am Dave in NZ and late 60’s, I class myself as IncestSexual, I came across your website quite by chance and love it, I support you and your son 100%, its nobody’s business except your own, and I see nothing wrong with consenting adults engaging in incest sex, and to kiss your mother passionately is very sexy indeed.

As for me, from as early as I can remember I have loved the thought of families naked together or having sex together, especially mothers & sons, over the year’s I have never tired of thinking about Incest in all its forms.

I count myself as very fortunate to have had an open minded mother, I grew up seeing her nude a lot and bathing with her, Watching her dry herself was a real treat for me, I was fascinated with her body and she had no problem teaching and letting me touch her.

Anyway just wanted to drop a few words to you guys and say keep the cause going, you guys are awesome

Many Thanks

1 month ago

I’ve literally fantasized about my mom my entire life day after day i can’t talk to anyone about this subject your my hero thank you for what your doing I can’t help how I feel I’m 46 and still think about my mother every day. Please continue doing what your doing Hopefully one day this subject will be out in the open to talk about without prejudice and people getting shame and guilt for how they feel.