Incest laws as Social Engineering

Incest laws as Social Engineering

Incest laws as social engineering tools

Incest laws as social engineering tools for the empowerment of the wealthy and politically powerful at the expense of the lower classes.

In both repressive and progressive contexts, the manipulation of sexual preference issues serves as a powerful tool for social engineering. It helps governments shape societal norms, project desired outcomes domestically and internationally, and maintain control over public discourse and behavior.

The inherent injustice of incest laws.

Incest, defined as sexual relations between close relatives, has long been a taboo subject across various cultures and societies. Consequently, many countries have enacted laws criminalizing such behavior. However, this essay will argue that these laws, while seemingly protective, serve to empower the wealthy and politically powerful, while subjugating and impoverishing the lower classes. By examining the history of incest laws, the disproportionate impact on lower classes, and the role of these laws in maintaining societal hierarchies, it becomes evident that the criminalization of incest is an instrument of control that perpetuates inequality.

Governments have historically utilized various aspects of identity, including sexual orientation, as tools of social engineering to influence and control populations. Social engineering refers to the systematic manipulation of societal behaviors and attitudes to achieve specific political or social objectives. The treatment and regulation of sexual orientation can play a significant role in this process.

Governments also manipulate sexual issues to divert attention from other pressing concerns. By framing one’s rights to pursue certain sexual preferences as either a threat to or a sign of societal progress, they can rally support or opposition, diverting public discourse away from economic or political problems. For instance, during times of crisis, a government might amplify negative rhetoric to unite a segment of the population against a perceived common enemy, thereby consolidating power and distracting from governance failures.

One method governments use involves the promotion or suppression of specific sexual orientations to align with their ideological goals. In regimes that value traditional structures, policies often stigmatize, criminalize, or marginalize nonconformists. For instance, countries with anti-LGBTQ+ laws use legal frameworks to punish non-heteronormative behaviors, reinforcing societal norms that discourage deviation from heterosexuality. This not only instills fear among nontraditional identities, where incestsexuals find themselves, but also perpetuates a culture of conformity and control, discouraging dissent against the state’s prescribed social order.

Conversely, some governments have utilized progressive stances on sexual orientation as a means of projecting modernity and liberal values. By legalizing same-sex marriage and supporting LGBTQ+ rights, these states can position themselves as progressive, open, and inclusive societies on the global stage. This can attract economic benefits such as tourism and investment, while simultaneously promoting a domestic image of tolerance and progressiveness, which can be leveraged to foster national unity and support for the ruling regime.

The History of Incest Laws: A Tool for Social Control

Incest laws have their roots in ancient societies, where they were often tied to religious and cultural beliefs. For example, the Bible prohibits incest in the book of Leviticus, and similar prohibitions can be found in the codes of ancient Greece and Rome. However, the enforcement of these laws was often selective and used as a means of social control.

During the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church played a significant role in shaping attitudes towards incest. The Church used its influence to outlaw incestuous relationships, often as a means to consolidate power and control over the nobility. By dictating whom the nobility could marry, the Church ensured that strategic alliances and power dynamics remained in their favor.

In modern times, incest laws have been justified on various grounds, including the prevention of genetic abnormalities and the protection of vulnerable individuals from exploitation. However, these justifications often mask the true intentions behind these laws: to maintain societal hierarchies and control the behaviors of the lower classes.

The Disproportionate Impact on Lower Classes

Incest laws disproportionately affect the lower classes for several reasons. First, poverty and limited resources often result in larger, multi-generational families living in close quarters. This increases the likelihood of incestuous relationships developing, particularly when societal norms and taboos are less strictly enforced. Consequently, the lower classes are more likely to face legal repercussions for incestuous behavior.

Second, the lower classes often lack access to quality education and healthcare. In situations where this has been studied, the lack of education is often linked to a lack of opportunity and external influence, so multi-generational marriages among extended family members are common. Furthermore these isolated communities also have limited access to healthcare, and higher incidence of miscarriages and infant deaths are viewed scientifically as negative consequences of an inferior smaller genetic pool. When the lack of healthcare might actually be the greater cause of these casualties.

Finally, the criminal justice system is often biased against the lower classes, who often cannot afford legal representation or have limited access to resources to defend themselves. As a result, they are more likely to be convicted and face harsher punishments for incest-related offenses.

The Role of Incest Laws in Maintaining Societal Hierarchies

Incest laws serve to maintain societal hierarchies by perpetuating the idea that certain behaviors are acceptable only for the wealthy and politically powerful. Throughout history, the wealthy and powerful have engaged in incestuous relationships, often as a means of consolidating wealth and power within their families. For example, the Ptolemaic dynasty in ancient Egypt frequently engaged in sibling marriages to maintain their grip on power.

In modern times, the wealthy and politically powerful continue to engage in incestuous relationships, albeit often in secret. The enforcement of incest laws, however, remains largely focused on the lower classes. This double standard serves to maintain the status quo, where the wealthy and powerful are free to act as they please, while the lower classes are subject to strict regulations and punishments.

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The criminalization of incest serves as a tool for the empowerment of the wealthy and politically powerful, while simultaneously impoverishing and subjugating the lower classes. By examining the history of incest laws and their disproportionate impact on the lower classes, it becomes evident that these laws are less about protecting society and more about maintaining societal hierarchies. As such, it is crucial to reevaluate the purpose and impact of incest laws, and consider whether they truly serve the best interests of society or merely perpetuate inequality and injustice.


Author: blondetabu
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Terry D.
1 month ago

A well thought out essay. It has been so ingrained in society to regard incest as the worst sin possible ignores the reality of human behavior.
Why is incest the one sexual identity still thought of as abhorrent?? While literally every other type is promoted as being ok??
We were commanded to be fruitful and multiply. And Adam and Eve had to have engaged in incest in order to perpetuate the human race. I’ve never had a response that wasn’t made up on the spot. Lot and his daughters?? The Most High was suspiciously silent. David’s daughter and son. She didn’t mind getting laid, but she wanted to marry so as to not shame her. No divine intervention there, either.
I think incest is a very normal and acceptable recorse for humanity. It’s built unto us from the begining.