Obligatory Voyeurism

Obligatory Voyeurism

Obligatory Voyeurism in order to build trust

Obligatory Voyeurism is officially my first audio only podcast. Many people have asked me for something that they can listen to while they do other things on the Internet. Therefore, here is the link to my podcast show and I promise to talk about more than just my diary entries.

Obligatory Voyeurism was on the dinner menu. My son and I had been invited for dinner at the home of my future daughter-in-law and her father. We’re two different families who share a common sexual identity. It’s important that we not only learn to accept and like each, but also trust each other. Mainstream society is intolerant of people like us, and we have to do more than just protect each other’s secrets.

My Diary Entry April 01, 24

Dinner was nothing special and in fact, the only thing I can say about it is how bad it was. A mediocre pizza and garlic bread from some unknown pizzeria. However, I wasn’t invited to be a food critic, so I kept my snobbery and comments to myself. Regardless of our unorthodox sexualities, it’s obvious that my son truly cares about his future wife. To be a good mother means that I’ve got to do everything possible to be supportive of his decisions.

At one point Georgie and I were invited into Alice and her dad’s bedroom. As we stepped into the dimly lit room, we could feel the heavy atmosphere of anticipation and desire. This is what my future daughter-in-law had invited us to witness: her intimate exchange with her biological father. As they embraced each other passionately, it was clear that their love transcended societal norms and expectations.

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She was a vision of beauty, her long, flowing hair cascading down her back, her eyes filled with love and longing. Her dad, tall and handsome, held her close, their bodies pressing together as if they had been designed to fit perfectly. It was evident that their connection went beyond mere physical attraction; there was a deep emotional bond between them that could not be denied.

Alice felt it was important to share their incestuous relationship with us, as we had included her in our own relationship. She had watched my son and I engage in passionate lovemaking on numerous occasions, and now she wanted us to witness her own forbidden love.

As they began to undress each other, my son and I exchanged glances, feeling both uncomfortable and aroused at the same time. However, we knew that we had to be supportive of their unconventional love, as it was merely the opposite side of the coin fate had given us all.

Alice’s lips met her dad’s, their tongues entwining in a passionate dance as their hands explored each other’s bodies. My heart raced as I watched them, feeling the raw emotion and desire on display between two people who were defying conventional love norms.

As they moved onto the bed, Doug gently guided Alice onto her knees. He unzipped his pants, revealing his erect penis, which throbbed with anticipation. Alice looked up at him with adoration in her eyes, then leaned forward and took him into her mouth. Her tongue swirled around his shaft, her lips caressing him with tender precision. Doug moaned with pleasure, his hands on her head, guiding her movements.

The sight before us was both erotic and comforting. My son and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of connection to their love, as we had shared our own intimate moments with Alice. It was then that I realized that our love was not just about physical pleasure; it was about the deep emotional connection that existed between all of us.


As Doug and Alice continued their passionate encounter, my son and I found ourselves unable to look away. Their love was so intense, so all-consuming, that it was impossible not to be drawn in by its power. In that moment, we knew that their connection was something unworthy of judgement or criticisim, it’s pure depth was to powerful to be denied. So we accepted and embraced it as we had our own mutual physical bond.

As Doug reached his climax, he let out a guttural moan, his body tensing as he released himself into his daughter’s mouth. Alice drank him in eagerly, her eyes locked on his, relishing in the intimacy they shared. It was clear that this was not just about physical pleasure; it was about the deep emotional connection that existed between them.

Afterwards, they embraced each other, their bodies wrapped in each other’s arms. My son and I could see the contentment and love in their eyes, and we knew that they had found something truly special in each other. It’s obvious that love knows no bounds, and that sometimes, the most unexpected connections can be the most powerful of all.

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As we left the room, my son and I felt loved and validated. We knew that our relationship with Alice, and her relationship with Doug, was something that society might never fully understand or accept. But in that moment, we didn’t care about societal norms or taboos. All that mattered was the bond we share, and the knowledge that we had found something truly special in each other.

Obligatory Voyeurism is also on Rumble and on Motherless

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Author: blondetabu
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