Dear Diary

Dear Diary April 01, 2024

Dear Diary it’s been a year.

Dear Diary, it was a year ago today, a day like no other. It was the day that my son, my precious, adult son came to live with me after a few years of being with his father and then away at college. We spent the day laughing and reminiscing about his childhood. He’s grown into such an emotionally strong young man, and I couldn’t be prouder of the person he’s become.

It was a year ago in which we sat together on the couch, watching old home videos, it felt like there was an unspoken understanding between us. A connection that went beyond mere mother and son. It was as if we were both aware of something more, something that we had never dared to acknowledge before.

In the following weeks, the sexual tension between us grew and grew. I have written about this before. But I like to think of today as a sort of anniversary of our awakening. My realization that my boy had become a man. His realization that his mother was going to be there for him no matter what. It might have taken us months to get to where we are today, in a open and honest incestsexual relationship. But I like to think of last year as our turning point, the catalyst which made everything else possible.

When our passion was finally consummated, it felt like the entire world had stopped spinning. Our eyes met, and there was an undeniable spark. I felt my heart racing in my chest as he leaned in, his lips brushing against mine in the most tender of kisses. It was as if time had stood still, and we were both transported to another realm where nothing else mattered except for this singular moment.

My son, my beautiful son, held me close as we explored each other’s bodies with a passion that was both consuming and yet so familiar. It was as if we had always known this moment was coming, that we were always meant to be together in this way. The feeling of his hands on my skin, his lips on mine, was like nothing I had ever experienced before. It was both thrilling and terrifying all at once.

As we lay together in the afterglow, our bodies intertwined, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of peace wash over me. Despite the taboo nature of our actions, it felt like we were exactly where we were supposed to be. It was as if we had finally found the missing piece of ourselves that we had been searching for all these years. Both of us are incestsexuals and incest is natural for us.

Tactical Soap

But even as I write these words, I know that our sex life is forbidden. Society would never understand the depth of our connection, the intensity of our passion or that we can simply be family with benefits. We have embarked on a dangerous path, one that could lead to trouble and ridicule for both of us. And yet, in this moment, I cannot bring myself to regret a single second of it.

So dear diary, as I close my eyes tonight, my heart is full of conflicting emotions. I am simultaneously elated by the discovery of this profound love and terrified of the consequences that may follow. But for now, in the stillness of this night, I will hold onto this memory and the hope that somehow, some way, consensual incest will one day spoken of in public without judgment or fear.

With love and trepidation,
Blonde Tabu


Author: blondetabu
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