The rise of incest

The Rise of Incest

The Rise of Incest due to lockdowns

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, society has been forced to confront an unsettling reality: the alarming rise of incest. This phenomenon, while shocking and disturbing, is not merely a result of desperation for emotional sustenance, but rather a manifestation of the profound psychological effects of prolonged isolation and social distancing.

As governments around the world implemented lockdown measures to curb the spread of the virus, families found themselves confined to their homes for extended periods. Initially hailed as a necessary precaution, these restrictions soon took a toll on the mental and emotional well-being of individuals and families alike. With social interactions limited to virtual platforms and physical contact discouraged, many people began to experience feelings of loneliness, isolation, and despair.

It is within this context of social and emotional deprivation that the phenomenon of incest, involving most often siblings but also parent and child, increased. Contrary to popular belief, these acts were driven by a desperate craving for intimacy and connection. Incestsexuals, those who prefer incest, are a group of people who suppress and deny their sexual identity because of societal intolerance. However, denied the physical touch and emotional support of friends, many found they had no choice but to be honest about their needs in order to fill the void in their lives.

For those who engaged in incestuous acts, sex with their family members was shown to be an expression of love and devotion. In these households, cut off from others, sharing the same sense of loss and starving for a real intimate connection, family members turned to one another for solace, comfort and understanding. This daily interpersonal connection fostered other feelings of love and caring, which normally dissipate as family members get caught up in individual lives outside of the home.

Locked down with no where to go and for many, nothing to do, sex became a natural progression of a blossoming more mature relationship. A deeper connection that many might not of even realized they wanted or needed, until the perfect storm made it all possible. . Far from being acts of violence or aggression, these were acts of intimacy and connection, albeit considered of the most socially unacceptable in nature.


The taboo nature of incest only served to exacerbate the sense of rebellion and defiance felt by those who engaged in it. In a world where social norms had been upended and traditional sources of comfort and support had been stripped away, incest became the ultimate act of defiance against the isolation and loneliness imposed by the pandemic. Cut off from the outside world, mistrusting neighbors who might be the source of a deadly contagion, family units were the only place one could express one’s fears and be comforted. Furthermore for those whose world was crashing in because of a loss of liberties, incestuous unions were a way to give the middle finger to the oppression. The rise of incest was an assertion of autonomy, to reclaim a sense of agency in a world that seemed to be spiraling out of control.

As we confront the reality of incest within our society, it is essential that we adopt a more tolerant and accepting attitude towards this controversial practice. While the idea of sex with blood-related immediate family members may be repugnant to many, we must recognize that sexual preferences are deeply personal and subjective. Just as we respect the choices of LGBTQ+ individuals, we must extend the same courtesy to those who choose to practice consensual incest. It is only through open dialogue and understanding that we can hope to address the underlying causes of incest and build a more compassionate and inclusive society for all.


Author: blondetabu
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[…] “love hormone.” This neurochemical promotes feelings of bonding, trust, and affection. When adult family members engage in hugs, kisses, or other forms of physical contact, they stimulate the release of oxytocin, fostering a positive emotional environment within the […]

6 months ago

No better way I could tell my mother that I loved her other than making love to her

4 months ago

Lockdown is when my own incestuous relationship with my son blossomed, we were on the edge of something happening (my best friend and her son were offering constant encouragement) it wasn’t until we were locked down together that there was that pressure to fuse us together.

3 months ago
Reply to  Linda

How nice to have the support of friends.

3 months ago
Reply to  Linda

The fact that your best friend and her son were giving encouragement just shows that incest is starting to grow. I wish sorta had that, but also like blondetabu, and you and your son. The lockdown, had made me and my son grow closer.- Beth

3 months ago

What ever consenting adults want to do sexually is their business and no ones else. People need to stop trying to regulate their own morality agendas.