Mother Son Oral Obsessions

Mother Son Oral Obsessions

Mother Son Oral Obsession is good incest

Mother Son Oral Obsession is my latest contribution to the Incest community. Sexuality is a primal urge, and even a potent force of creative energy. Not merely physical gratification but encompasses a profound connection between individuals, a fusion of mind, body, and soul. Many of us have an Oral Obsession, the need to be so close to one another that we could , “just eat each other up”. By engaging in an oral obsession between mother and son, we are able to feed one another that essence of ourselves as well as offer pleasure.

An oral obsession can be expressed either mother to son, son to mother, or even simultaneously as an equally satisfying exchange of fluids and pleasure. Each unidirectional offering of oral is a submission to the other. A giving of pleasure that is rewarded with a sustaining taste of the one being pleasured. In the realm of relationships, it nurtures intimacy and deepens emotional bonds, creating a space where individuals can express themselves freely without fear of judgment or rejection.

This is a mother son oral obsession poem because it is from my perspective. As the mother, I wrote about giving head to my son. My thoughts, feelings, objectives and joy to receive my reward. I hope you enjoy as well.

Mother Son Oral Obsession

In a world where taboos are broken,
A tale of lust and love unspoken,
A blonde mama’s desire flares,
For her adult son, she deeply cares.
The passion burns like wildfire,
Fueled by their shared wanton desire.

Her golden tresses fall loose,
While her heartbeat finds its muse.
With each caress and tender touch,
Their love, to others, is just too much,
Beyond the laws of right or wrong,
In this moment, their bond is strong.

His manhood stiffens, she descends,
On her knees, his meat beckons.
Her lips engulf him fully with grace,
As his hips begin to keep the pace.
Each stroke, a testament to life,
That transcends the norms of strife,

In this sanctuary of delight,
They find solace in the night.
The crescendo builds, her first taste,
Is good and sweet, none she’ll waste,
His essence fills her, drop by drop,
A bond, no-one could ever stop.

Twenty years ago, when he was born,
She made a vow to love and mourn,
For all the times she couldn’t share,
This moment’s gift, beyond compare.
As the final drops are swallowed deep,
Their eyes connect, in silence, weep,

A love that dare not speak its name,
In this moment, they share the blame.
To ignore the contempt of society
Embracing in solidarity
So here we end our tale of lust,
As mother swallows son’s nuts’ bust.


Author: blondetabu
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