Caught french kissing my son

Caught French Kissing my Son

Caught French Kissing my son in public

Incest between consenting adults can work. When it does, it’s both beautiful and empowering. Unfortunately, mainstream society has labeled incestuous people as evil and perverted. As I’ve discovered, being open does have it’s scrutinizing ramifications. Both on social media and in the real world. Most people don’t care, or simply aren’t paying attention. But there’s always one SJW who wants to be a hero by attacking those who stray from society’s accepted norms.


My son, his girlfriend and I were in the Wally M. looking at barbecues. My son was holding my hand and he was talking about his work. At one point I just turned and kissed him, no reason really, I am just affectionate like that. Random kisses happen when you love someone and I guess that’s all it was. However, a few moments later and my boy kissed me back.

The reciprocation triggered something in me.

At that moment, I just felt so very happy and filled with affection. Needless to say, I decided that I needed a real kiss. Without hesitation, I went full on, tongue in his mouth, incest kiss. He gently moaned with pleasure… I gently moaned with pleasure. Then, someone I know said « Oh My God » in the background. Well a beautiful moment was ruined because someone who I haven’t seen in a couple of years spotted me and was making her way across the store to say hello, at the very instant we were locked in our embrace.


In my experience, keeping secrets has always come back to haunt me. From the very first moment that my son and I had sex, becoming incestuous ; there was no way I was going to try and hide our relationship. It has to be said, that I’m not looking to for fights or to create controversy, but I’m not going to start pretending to be someone else, just for the benefit of other people. It’s most certainly someone’s right to chose to hate me, but I want them to do so knowing exactly who and what I am.

Catch my live podcast on X (twitter) every Monday at 9pm est


Author: blondetabu
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7 months ago

Its no one business other than between your son, his girlfriend and you